Employer Steps to Request a College Central Network (CCN) Account

Process for Employers to Request a CCN Account and to Share Career Opportunities
  1. Visit the College Central Network (CCN) site for PGCC at http://www.CollegeCentral.com/pgcc.
  2. Select the Employers box to access Employer Services.
  3. On the Employer Services page, select the Create Account button to request a Prince George's Community College (PGCC) CCN account.
    a. Complete each section with a red asterisk (*); however, by completing sections without the asterisk, the employer will help to expedite the review process and help prospective students, alumni, and community members to find more information about the organization and opportunities available.
    b. Employers are strongly encouraged to add their company logo to increase their presence within our database.
    c. Select the top three industries associated with the organization, including those for which the employer is hiring, to target specific populations of interest.
  4. Once the employer account request has been submitted, the staff in the Office of Career Development and Internships (CD&I) will review the request to confirm the validity and accuracy of the information provided. Should all provided information be acceptable, the employer's account is approved for access to the site to post opportunities and to seek highly qualified candidates.
  5. Employers are asked to have an active CCN Employer account and be in good standing with CD&I in order to participate in recruitment events/activities. Good standing is defined as:
    a. Having satisfied all employer requests made by CD&I; and
    b. Having honored all commitments made to CD&I and PGCC students.
Paid Opportunities

Employers who have paid opportunities should indicate that their opportunities are paid experiences when posting the opportunity in CCN. The hiring employer arranges and provides compensation to those individuals hired. The Office of Career Development and Internships does not coordinate any compensation arrangements.

Special Announcements

The Office of Career Development and Internships is happy to promote time-sensitive opportunities by posting a special announcement on our CCN site. We want to support our employers who are seeking great candidates!

The Maryland Community College Consortium

Employers who register and are approved for a CCN account at PGCC are automatically entered into the Maryland Community College Consortium with College Central Network. No additional registration action is required or needed. Details regarding the added benefits of consortium participation are found here: http://www.collegecentral.com/mdccjobs/